Batch Upload Plugin

Attach multiple files at once by uploading a zip archive. All files in the zip file will be attached to the topic.


  • Enable this plugin in LocalSite.cfg or configure - Test: choice-no BatchUploadPlugin is not enabled. Enable this plugin below.
  • Attach a zip file to a topic
    • If a comment is entered with the zip file, the comment will be assigned to all contained files unless the IMPORTFILECOMMENTS flag below is enabled and the archive contains corresponding file comments (in which case the latter take precedence).
    • Using archive file comments, it is possible to specifiy hide and/or link flags on a file-per-file basis which override those given in the upload form by enabling the FILECOMMENTFLAGS flag below and adding prefixes of the form +h-l (case insensitive, given in arbitrary order, to be separated from the 'main' description by at least one whitespace).

Plugin Settings

  • Debug plugin
    • Set DEBUG = 0
  • Enabled state - if disabled, does nothing
    • Set ENABLED = 1
  • File comments in archives will be imported (and override the default comment specified in the upload form)
  • File comments in archives may contain prefixes (see above) which override specified default hide and link flags (this flag is independent from the previous one; if it is disabled, existing prefixes will not be stripped from imported comments)
  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Attach multiple files at once by uploading a zip archive

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, e.g., %BATCHUPLOADPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%


  • Contents of nested zips will only be attached partially

Further Development

  • Support nested zips
  • Support interactive modification of hide and link attributes on a file-per-file basis during archive import
  • Support other archive formats (e.g., tar)

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the server where TWiki is running.

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/BatchUploadPlugin.txt Documentation
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/ Perl module

  • (Dakar) Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
  • Flip ENABLED switch to 1
  • Test if the installation was successful:
    • Try uploading a zip file

Conditional Batch Upload

Versions 1.2 and above include the ability to choose between attaching uploaded zip files, or extracting and attaching the contents. To add this feature to TWiki, add the following lines to the skin templates files, just after the hidefile table entry:

  • templates/attach.pattern.tmpl (attachform section):
 <input type="checkbox" class="twikiCheckbox" id="batchupload" checked name="batchupload" %BATCHUPLOADCHECKBOX% /><label for="batchupload">%MAKETEXT{"Batch upload for zip file"}%</label> <span class="twikiGrayText">%MAKETEXT{"Extracts and uploads individual file in zip archive."}%</span>
  • templates/attach.tmpl and templates/attach.classic.tmpl (content section):
  <td align="right">
   Batch Upload:
   <input type="checkbox" name="batchupload" %BATCHUPLOADCHECKBOX% />Extract Files and Attach them to the Topic

In addition, add the following line to lib/LocalSite.cfg:

$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{usercontrol} = 1;

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver, TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Copyright ©: TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver, TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
License: GPL
Plugin Version: 09 Jul 2008 (v1.400)
Change History:  
09 Jul 2008 1.4: TWiki:Main.MarkusUeberall: Added support for zip file comments. All individual files now inherit the hide and link flags in the same way they inherit the comment specified in the upload form.
21 Mar 2007 1.3: TWiki:Main.ScottHoge: added usercontrol cfg, to allow global control of upload as in v1.1
20 Feb 2007 1.2: TWiki:Main.MartinRothbaum, TWiki:Main.SopanShewale: added option to enable/disable unzip-and-attach behavior via cgi parameter.
23 Dec 2006 1.1: TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens: Cleaned up and repackaged. Zipped files are now checked against the TWiki upload filter - for instance php files will get a .txt extension; spaces in zipped filenames will be changed to underscores. If a comment is entered when uploading a zip, the comment text will be assigned to all new attachments. After successful upload you will no longer see an error screen.
31 Oct 2004 TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver - initial version as plugin
09 Apr 2004 TWiki:Main.DiabJerius
17 Nov 2003 TWiki:Main.JohannesMartin
20 Mar 2003 TWiki:Main.RonKellam
16 Aug 2002 TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert
14 Jan 2002 TWiki:Main.RyanFreebern
30 Oct 2001 TWiki:Main.VitoMiliano
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.024
CPAN Dependencies: CPAN:Archive::Zip
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.008
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle nn%, FormattedSearch nn%, BatchUploadPlugin nn%
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

Topic revision: r1 - 31 Oct 2004 - 13:51:52 - TWikiContributor

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