Difference: TWikiHistory (7 vs. 8)

Revision 809 Aug 1999 - PeterThoeny

Line: 40 to 40
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
    | This | is | a table | with | cells |
    This is a table with cells
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999
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