Difference: TWikiHistory (9 vs. 10)

Revision 1003 Oct 1999 - PeterThoeny

Line: 44 to 44
  | This | is | a table | with | cells |
This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999
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